Single electoral roll

The Single Electoral Roll is a public document where single records are kept of nationals of the Republic of Serbia eligible to vote. The Single Electoral Roll is kept as an electronic database and is updated on a regular basis by municipal and city administrations as a delegated duty under the Law on the Single Electoral Roll. Updating of the Electoral Roll includes changes made ex officio or on request from citizens. Any change in the Electoral Roll is based on a relevant decision, namely a decision on registration, deletion or change, supplementation or correction of a fact relating to a voter on the Electoral Roll. Registration with the Electoral Roll is prerequisite for the exercise of the right to vote and each voter can be registered with the Electoral Roll only once. The following persons are registered with the Electoral Roll:

– Nationals of the Republic of Serbia of legal age with the capacity to contract, i.e. persons with the right to vote – according to their place of residence; at voter’s request, his/her temporary residence address in the country may also be recorded;


– Voters who reside abroad – according to their most recent place of residence before moving abroad or according to the most recent place of residence of one of their parents; in this case, the voter’s temporary residence address abroad must also be recorded;


– Internally displaced persons – according to the place where they are registered as internally displaced persons.

The Electoral Roll contains the following details of voters: name and surname of the voter, name of one of voter’s parents, voter’s unique personal identification number, date and place of voter’s birth, voter’s sex, place and address of voter’s residence, local self-government unit in which the voter resides, foreign country where the voter temporarily resides, place and address of voter’s temporary residence abroad and place of voter’s residence in case of internally displaced persons.


The name and surname of a voter who is a member of a national minority is written first in Cyrillic letters based on the Serbian spelling and then in the script and spelling of the language of the relevant national minority.


Every citizen has the right to consult the Electoral Roll in order to verify their personal information. The Electoral Roll may be consulted in person at the municipal or city administration of the voter’s residence or electronically at


Citizens apply for changes to the Electoral Roll to the municipal or city administration of their residence. Any change in the Electoral Roll must be based on data contained in civil records, other official records and public documents (e.g. excerpts from registries of births, marriages and deaths, identity card, proof of residence, certificate of citizenship, valid and enforceable decision restoring the capacity to contract), on which the relevant decision is passed by the municipal or city administration concerned if the application is made before the closing of the Electoral Roll (15 days before the election day) or by the Ministry if the application is made from the date of closing of the Electoral Roll until 72 hours before the election day.


The applicant may appeal the decision of the municipal or city administration with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government within 24 hours of the date of receipt of such decision, while a complaint against the Ministry’s decision may be filed with the Administrative Court within 24 hours of the date of receipt of such decision.

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