About Ministry

The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government was formed on 26 April 2014 under the Law on Ministries, with coordination of public administration as a key competence within its purview. Public administration reform, as one of the three pillars of EU expansion policy, is also an essential prerequisite for successful implementation of reform principles and objectives across all spheres of the society.

Public administration reform is paramount to strengthening governance at all levels. This includes improving the quality and accountability of administration, increasing professionalism, de-politicisation and transparency, also in recruitment and dismissals, more transparent management of public finances, and better services for citizens. An appropriate balance between central, regional and local government also needs to be found. Governments should ensure stakeholders can actively participate in the reform and policy making process, for example by establishing inclusive structured dialogues on reform priorities with the involvement of an empowered civil society. An enabling environment for civil society organisations is therefore crucial. All these reforms remain at the heart of the region's EU path. Only with delivery of tangible and sustainable results will the necessary credible momentum be achieved
EU-Western Balkans Enlargement Strategy

Public administration reform is a continuous process aiming to provide high-quality services to citizens and business and contribute to a better standard of living for citizens. Underlying it is the Public Administration Reform Strategy in Serbia, adopted in January 2014, and the Action Plans implementing the Strategy in 2015-2017 and in 2018-2020.


The activities are focused on improving organisational and functional subsystems of public administration and involve optimization, decentralization, improved public policy management, development of e-Government, enhanced public services, establishment of a coordinated, merit-based civil service and

improved human resource management, improved public finance and public procurement management, inspection reform, greater involvement of citizens in policy-making and greater transparency etc.


The Ministry also performs public administration duties concerned with improving the conditions and regulations for the exercise of rights of national minorities. It keeps a register of the national councils of national minorities, calls elections for the national councils of national minorities and keeps the Special Electoral Roll of National Minorities.


The following core internal units have been formed for the purpose of performing duties within the purview of the Ministry:

djordje dabic
Đorđe Dabić

State Secretary

sreten selaković
Sreten Selaković

State Secretary

Aleksandar Đukić

State Secretary

Dr. Nemanja Zečević

State Secretary

jasmina benmansur c
Jasmina Benmansur

Assistant Minister

ivana savicevic c
Ivana Savićević

Assistant Minister

Jovan Knežević

Acting Assistant Minister

Mila Stanković

Assistant Minister

Ivana Janačković

Acting Assistant Minister

nenad sarkocevic c
Nenad Šarkoćević

Director of The Administrative Inspectorate

Jelena Kulić Gajević

Acting Secretary

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