At a working meeting with Minister Marija Obradović today, the Sector for Professional Development at the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government presented the software solution starting July 1 this year which enables the provision of e-government services to all state and other bodies submitting exam requests for their employees.

Building this system posed a special challenge, as this is the first software solution in which all e-government standards are fully implemented, from electronic communication with applicants – a single electronic administrative place and electronic mailbox- to electronic administrative procedures and full application of electronic documents and electronic signatures in all segments of work.

The system currently enables electronic services in the state professional exam and a special professional exam for registrars, and as early as January 2021 an exam service for inspectors will be put into operation. Work on the construction of the exam service for communal militiamen is forthcoming next year, and the Ministry will thus fully automate all professional exams and thus be a step closer to the planned plan for the development of paperless administration.

In addition, this software solution has significantly improved the efficiency and economy in the work of all users, as it enables real-time work without unnecessary costs for postal services, paper, toners and other materials, which is why it can be said to have environmental significance.

Assistant Minister Jasmina Benmansur leading this presentation pointed out that the work of employees in the Sector at the beginning of next year would contribute to the launch of another e-service – issuing certificates from official records kept in this system, as well as facilitated data exchange ex officio between the competent authorities.


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