In an effort to bring citizens and other interested members of the public closer to the planned use of available budget funds in the current year, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government has prepared a Citizen’s Guide to the Ministry’s budget for 2022. This Guide was created with the idea of showing in a simple, easy-to-understand and dynamic way how the budget funds allocated to the Ministry, under the Law on Budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2022 (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 110/21), are allocated.
In addition to a simpler presentation of planning of spending of budget funds in the current year, the Citizen’s Guide also offers an explanation of how the Ministry’s budget is created, shows how much and for what purpose were these funds spent in previous years, and it also contains information on donor support that the Ministry uses in implementing the reform processes.
In this way, MDULS became the first ministry that decided to accustom the general public with the use of budget funds, aside from to the Ministry of Finance which has been preparing and publishing the Citizen’s Guide to the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for many years, and had also joined a significant number of local self-governments in which there is long-standing practice of creating and publishing such documents.
The preparation of this Guide represents another in a series of small, yet significant, steps towards the creation of an administration that is tailored to citizens, but also towards improving the work of the Ministry itself through the application of some of the key values of good and open administration, such as fiscal transparency and accountability of public authorities.
The Guide, whose preparation was supported by the European Union funded project “Support to Public Administration Reform Visibility and Communication”, can be downloaded at the following link: