Today, the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Marija Obradović, has visited the Municipality of Gornji Milanovac, where she visited the mini pitch field and outdoor gym at the Primary School “Ivo Andrić” in the village of Pranjani, which have been built with MDULS’s budget funds.
On that occasion, she has pointed out that it is important for citizens to feel the connection between the State and Local Self-government Units, because the Municipality of Gornji Milanovac regularly applies under all MDULS competitions with extremely high quality projects, the implementation of which is always on time, and it is especially important that these projects resulted from cooperation between the citizens and their municipal administration.
“All this gives us an incentive to continue cooperating with the Municipality of Gornji Milanovac, because we insist that the projects we finance should reflect the will of the citizens, in addition to the fact that the criteria for evaluating the way funds are spent are very strict. The Municipality of Gornji Milanovac is one of those municipalities that we can praise, especially having in mind that in previous years we have allocated RSD 30 million for various projects in this municipality, most of which were intended for children’s and school playgrounds, just like this one in Pranjani” , Obradović has said.
She added that the reason for today’s visit to Pranjani is “control” of spending the amount of RSD 8.5 million with which MDULS co-financed the construction of a mini pitch field and outdoor gym at the Primary School “Ivo Andrić”, the goal being that children and young families should feel that their municipality considers and heeds their requests and needs, while the State allocates funds in the budget for their financing, which does not happen only in the central parts of municipalities in Serbia, but also in suburban settlements and villages, just like Pranjani.
“The fight to raise the birth rate is one of the most important challenges that Serbia will face in the coming period, and Pranjani is one of the few places in the country that has the most families with two or more children. It is important for us that the residents of Pranjani know that the State has recognized this, and that it shall continue to invest here,” Obradović has said.
She has recalled that MDULS had supported other projects of the Municipality of Gornji Milanovac with its budget funds, such as the introduction of the e-parliament and the opening of the One-Stop-Shop (OSS), which is one of the most efficient ones out of the 25 OSSs operating in the country. She has pointed out that the establishment of OSSs in cities and municipalities in Serbia is an integral part of Public Administration Reform, and that in this year a total of 40 Local Self-government Units (LSU) shall have open OSSs, which represents a third of LSUs in the country.
“It is important that all cities and municipalities have their OSS, where citizens can conduct all their affairs with the local administration at one place. It is important that the citizens know that the more serious the projects of their cities and municipalities are, the better the achieved results”, Obradović has concluded.
After visiting the mini pitch field and the outdoor gym at the Primary School “Ivo Andrić” in Pranjani, Minister Obradović has talked with the mayor of Gornji Milanovac, Dejan Kovačević, about the future projects and the continuation of cooperation between this LSU and MDULS.