The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, has visited the Municipality of Stara Pazova today, and on that occasion toured the One-Stop-Shop located in this municipality, which is among the pioneers of the OSS system in Serbia, in which MDULS had invested the amount of RSD 8.5 million.

Martinović had recalled that the OSS is a centralized modern location for providing related services to citizens and the economy, and that the goal is the cooperation between the administrative bodies and their absolute orientation towards the users.

“The One-Stop-Shop in Stara Pazova is one of the most beautiful and most functional in Serbia, and thanks to the functioning of OSSs, as well as the software applications available on the eGovernment portal, citizens have saved millions of hours of waiting in queues. I would like to emphasize that, according to the data of the World Bank, Serbia is currently in 4th place in Europe in terms of the degree of digitization in the field of public administration. Serbia is, thus, ahead of Germany and Great Britain, which clearly shows how far we have progressed as a country,” Martinović has said.

Praising the municipal leadership, the minister has emphasized that Stara Pazova is one of the most developed municipalities, and that other Local Self-government Units should emulate its management system.

“At the head of Stara Pazova is an active and self-sacrificing president. In Stara Pazova, we have a large number of factories, domestic and foreign investors, and a very small percentage of unemployment. The Municipality of Stara Pazova is almost devoid of problems,” Martinović has stressed.

Among other things, he has pointed out that MDULS shall remain a reliable partner of the Municipality of Stara Pazova for the implementation of important local projects, through donor support programmes.

During his visit to this local self-government, Martinović had held a meeting with the President of the Municipality of Stara Pazova, Đorđe Radinović, and his associates.


Photo gallery – source: MDULS and Infocyber Inđija

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