The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Aleksandar Martinović ceremoniously opened a renovated assembly hall in the municipality of Mionica today, where, with the financial support of the Ministry, an innovative software system for the functioning of the electronic parliament was introduced.
Expressing his belief that with the help of state-of-the-art computer equipment, the next session of the Council of Ministers of Mionica will not only be prepared, but also completely conducted electronically, the minister said that the Ministry has allocated close to 32 million RSD for the project to modernize the parliament in Mionica.
Pointing out the advantages and positive influence that electronic communication has on the better and more efficient work of councilors, Minister Martinović emphasized the role and importance of such a system, which is directly reflected in the saving of paper, resources and time.
Speaking about the connection between the project of digitalization of local parliaments and the wider process of implementing modernization and reform of public administration, which the Government of the Republic of Serbia insists on and is intensively working on, Minister Martinović emphasized the importance of the development of electronic services, as well as the growth of the number of users on the eUprava Portal.
Stating that in some hilly and mountainous areas there is still a digital signal of insufficient quality, the minister explained that after the completion of the Government’s project of introducing a broadband Internet network, the entire territory of our country will be covered by a high-speed connection, and that not only will there be no municipalities, but also no villages without the internet. As he said, at the end of 2025, the this issue will definitely be resolved.
In Mionica, Minister Martinović had a conversation with the president of this municipality, Boban Janković, and the topic was projects that could potentially be implemented in partnership with the Ministry.
Recalling that the region of Mionica owed Serbia an inestimable debt in both world wars, and that the roots of Duke Živojin Mišić are here, the minister stated that Mionica and its citizens deserve special attention from the top of the government, and that investments will be made in the modernization of the local traffic and road infrastructure. The three-year plan “Leap into the future, 2027”, as he said, envisages investing not only in main and high-speed roads, highways and corridors, but also in the rehabilitation of the local road network.
Photo gallery – source Municipality of Mionica