State Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Ivan Bošnjak thanked the Swiss Development Corporation (SDC), because “it is teaching us to work and think like the Swiss by supporting Serbia.” At the presentation of the SDC strategy for the period 2018 – 2021, he assessed that the new Swiss Cooperation Strategy with Serbia will improve the process of public administration reform. “Municipalities will finally, better than before and to the benefit of the citizens, share resources, knowledge and capacities, and decentralization will, after delays due to fiscal consolidation, gain a new momentum,” he said at the presentation of the Strategy on Thursday, 19 April 2018. He said that with the support of the Swiss Development Agency, Serbia had been able to improve the work of the tax administration in 45 local self-government units. “In this way, we will build on the process of legalization of illegal structures and register them, and thus increase the coverage of taxpayers, without increasing the tax rate,” Bošnjak stressed. He added that the support of Switzerland in the reform of the local self-government through the improvement of inter-municipal cooperation is also important. He stated that by adopting the proposed amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government they would be allowed to organize joint services and share resources. In addition, Switzerland has contributed significantly to the overall improvement of the democratic process at the local level of governance in the Republic of Serbia, as can be seen through SDC’s interest in supporting future preparations and adoption of the new Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative, with the aim of improving mechanisms for citizens to be able to declare themselves. For MPALSG, it is particularly important that the SDC continuously supports public administration reform, primarily by supporting the implementation of the Action Plan to the Public Administration Development Strategy 2015 – 2017, as well as the Action Plan for the next three years, which is in the process of adoption.