The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government has held a CAF Info Day today, with the aim of spreading awareness and providing more information about the European model for quality management: “Common Assessment Framework” (CAF).
Through an online presentation, the representatives of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, together with representatives of the EU4PAR project and the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes, have presented the CAF methodology, experiences in the introduction and application of CAF, as well as the possibility of using and supporting the introduction of CAF in institutions of the Republic of Serbia. More than 40 administrative bodies have attended the Info Day.
The Common Assessment Framework is a free, publicly available Total Quality Management tool, which aims to provide assistance to public sector institutions in order to improve their work.
The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government was the first institution to implement this European model in the Republic of Serbia in 2021, while 4 other institutions have implemented CAF a year later – the Public Investment Management Office (today the Ministry for Public Investment), then the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes, the Office for Combating Drugs, and the Accreditation Body of Serbia, which is nearing the completion of this process.
Meanwhile, 14 civil servants have been trained through the Training of Trainers (ToT) Model to implement the CAF quality management model, while 6 national evaluators have been certified, who can assess the entire process and quality.
Also, together with the EU4PAR project of the European Union, the institutions of the Republic of Serbia are provided with support for the implementation of CAF, with the constant presence and assistance of a team of experts, while all the necessary materials are available in the Serbian language. After six months of implementing the tools, the institution can request an evaluation with the aim of being awarded the CAF quality “seal of approval”.
All information about the methodology, experiences, applying for the implementation of this model, as well as materials and answers to the most frequently asked questions, can be obtained on the website dedicated to CAF (, which was launched by the Ministry.