The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government shall finance the projects of Local Self-government Units in this year as well, in the amount of almost half a billion dinars (RSD) from the budget.
MDULS has published two Public calls for all LSUs, for the allocation of funds from the Budget Fund for the local self-government programme – support to the development and functioning of the local self-government system, in the total amount of RSD 450,800,000.00, and for the annual award for the best municipal/city administration in 2021, in the application of the principle of good governance, in the amount of RSD 9,200,000.00.
The cities and municipalities can apply for the allocation of budget funds for the implementation of new or completion of commenced projects of special importance for local economic development and investments, for the introduction of eGovernment and modern technologies in the work of bodies of Local Self-governments Units in order to provide quality services to citizens and the economy, for providing adequate access to public service institutions for persons with special needs, and for organization of cultural, sport, tourist and other events, as well as for the implementation of projects which contribute to preventive action in order to reduce the risk of climate change and natural and other disasters.
When it comes to awarding the annual prize for the best municipal/city administration in the application of the principles of good governance, there are four competing areas in 2021: efficiency and accountability, transparency and public participation in the work of local self-government, accountability and rule of law, and equality and non-discrimination.
The deadline for submitting applications for both Public calls is 20 days from the day of their publication in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, i.e. until 10 February 2022.
The details on how to apply and the necessary documentation can be found and downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, at the following link: www.mduls.gov.rs.