In this year, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government will once again finance projects of Local Self-Government Units and the establishment of OSSs in cities and municipalities across Serbia with more than half a billion dinars from the budget funds.
The Ministry has announced three Public Calls for all Local Self-Government Units, namely the Public Call for the allocation of funds in the total amount of RSD 409,640,000.00, the Public Call for awarding the annual awards for the best municipal, i.e. city administrations in 2023, in the total amount of RSD 8,360,000.00, and a Public Call for awarding grants for the purpose of supporting Local Self-Government Units and city municipalities for the establishment and improvement of One-Stop Shops, in the amount of RSD 90,000,000.00.
Cities and municipalities can apply for the allocation of budget funds for the implementation of new projects, or for the completion of initiated projects that are financed from the budget of the Local Self-Government Units, which are of particular importance for Local Self-Government Units, local economic development, investments and employment at the Local Self-Government Units. Moreover, MDULS will financially support the introduction of eGovernment and modern information technologies in the work of Local Self-Government Units, with the aim of modernizing work and providing better services to citizens and business entities. Cities and municipalities can also apply for financial assistance in the organization of cultural, sports, tourist and other events that are of particular importance for citizens, as well as for the purpose of enabling adequate access to public service institutions for persons with disabilities, while funds will also be allocated for the implementation of projects which contribute to preventive action for reducing the risk of climate change, as well as of natural and other disasters, in order to protect the property interests of Local Self-Government Units and citizens.
When it comes to the annual awards for the best municipal, i.e. city administrations in 2023, MDULS will once again, within the total available funds, give awards in equal monetary amounts in four areas – efficiency and effectiveness, transparency and public participation in the work of Local Self-Government Units, accountability and rule of law, and equality and anti-discrimination.
The funds of the Ministry allocated for providing support to local self-governments and city municipalities for the establishment and improvement of One-Stop Shops are intended for the needs of improving and equipping the premises of the OSSs, raising the level of technical and IT equipment, improving the software and hardware infrastructure for the establishment of the OSSs, as well as for the need to support the improvement of staff potential through the necessary additional training of public servants for work at the OSSs.
The deadline for submitting applications for the allocation of funds and for the awarding of the annual award for the best municipal or city administration is until until 22 February at midnight, while the deadline for submitting requests for the allocation of funds for the establishment of OSSs is until 26 February at midnight.
The details on how to apply and the necessary documentation can be found and downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, at the following link: www.mduls.gov.rs.