The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, within the software solution for taking professional exams, has established new eGovernment services in matters related to filing of applications by candidates who wish to take the exam for Communal Police Officer, issuing certificates and obtaining the data ex officio on facts entered into the Records on passing the exam for Communal Police Officer; also, it will be possible to obtain and provide data in electronic form from the Records on passing the exam for Communal Police Officer via the Government Service Bus.
The new G2G services shall be available from 1 January 2022, to all users – bodies of Local Self-government Units (LSUs).
By establishing these services, the Ministry has fully fulfilled its obligation in the field of professional exams under the Law on Electronic Government, which prescribes the duty of a body to develop a software solution that enables the use of eGovernment services within its competence.
In the previous period, the services were provided in the remaining professional exams within the scope of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government (state professional exam, special professional exam for registrar and exam for inspector).