The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Marija Obradović, has met today with the Acting Director of the PE “Post of Serbia” Zoran Đorđevic, with whom she talked about improving the cooperation between the Ministry and this public enterprise.
Obradović has pointed out the need to introduce a post office within each One-Stop Shop (OSS), so that citizens would have the opportunity to use all postal services at one place. The One-Stop Shop is designed to enable citizens to complete administrative tasks with the local self-government by going to the city or municipal administration, and by providing a post office within the OSS, the citizens would also save more time and money.
It was stated at the meeting that it is necessary to perform additional professional training and education of employees of PE “Post of Serbia”, especially those who work at specialized counters eCitizen, in order to support citizens to more easily download the Digital Green Certificate, as well as to use all eServices provided by the State.
The meeting was also attended by the director of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment, Associate professor Mihailo Jovanović, PhD, and State Secretary of the Ministry, Maja Mačužić Puzić.
Photo – source: MDULS, author Sanja Knežević