Today, the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, has officially opened the renovated cinema in Kuršumlija, in the renovation of which the Ministry invested more than RSD 150 million.
“The cinema has been improved and modernized, and now films can be screened in 3D format here, which was demonstrated to the attendees. The citizens of Kuršumlija have the opportunity to enjoy film screenings in the best conditions and in accordance with the standards in this field,” Minister Martinović has stressed.
During today’s visit to Kuršumlija, Minister Martinović had also visited the One-Stop Shop, which was one of the first to be opened in Serbia and in whose operation MDULS invested approximately RSD 8 million a few years ago. According to Martinović, this is the second major project of MDULS in Kuršumlija and, as he said, it significantly improves the work of authorities and local administration by offering citizens and the economy connected and integrated services in one place, thus preventing the wasting of time by going from one counter to another.
Continuing with the practice of strengthening the local information infrastructure, Minister Martinović has donated 20 laptops with accompanying equipment to the municipal administration.
Also, Minister Martinović had visited the company “Bravar”, which is engaged in the production of agricultural machinery, and held a meeting with the President of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Kuršumlija, Vojimir Čarapić.
Stressing that Kuršumlija holds a very important strategic position and that it is fortunate to have three spas in its vicinity, the Minister has expressed his belief that the Government will invest more intensively in the development of Kuršumlija with further efforts.
Photo gallery – source: MDULS