“After only five years from commencing with NAPA’s work, with joint efforts and in a partnership relationship, we have managed to raise the professional development system to a higher, European level and make it equally accessible to all public administration employees. We introduced innovative training programmes, started using the most modern methods and techniques in employee training, and can boast today with nearly 50,000 satisfied training participants,” the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, has said at today’s conference “National Academy of Public Administration: Institution of the future”.
Emphasizing that built human resources are the key to all success, the minister has stated that spreading the culture of life-long learning and personal development of administrative capacities at all levels of the government, from state to local, is also one of the prerequisites for further planning and implementation of Public Administration Reform processes.
“MDULS is rapidly working on a radical transformation of public administration into a modern, efficient, responsible and increasingly digital administration, whereas all the set goals cannot be achieved without continuous, qualitative improvement of the knowledge, skills and abilities of its staff”, Martinović has said and added that, due to the circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the emphasis was placed on digitization in professional development and the development and application of distance learning methods.
He has also pointed to the significant support that the French National Institute of Public Service and the Ministry of Public Transformation and Service of the French Republic provide to Serbia and the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government in building a professional public administration. According to him, Serbia looks up to the French practice and experience in this area, which contributes to the creation of an administration tailored to all citizens and the economy in our country.
The First Counsellor at the French Embassy, Fatih Akcal, the member of the French Parliament, Liliana Tangi, and the Acting Director of the National Academy of Public Administration, Dejan Miletić, have also made their addresses in the introductory part of the conference. Jasmina Benmansur, Assistant Minister for Professional Development, and Ljiljana Uzelac, Head of the Department for Public Administration and e-Government, shall participate in the panels in the continuation of the conference on behalf of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government.
The international conference is being held as a result of important administrative cooperation between Serbia and France. The meeting will specify the future activities of NAPA, the development of its role as a key and necessary institution for promoting the learning culture in respect of public administration employees, but also the development of digitization and European partnerships.
Photo gallery: sources – NAPA and MDULS