The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Aleksandar Martinović attended the ceremonial session of the Osečina Municipal Assembly today, organized on the occasion of the Osečina Municipality Day, which was established to commemorate the battle at Čokešina in the First Serbian Uprising. On this occasion, he received a certificate of appreciation for his exceptional contribution to the development and progress of this local self-government.
Emphasizing during his address that the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government invested more than RSD 90 million in the infrastructural development of Osečina, Minister Martinović referred to the most important projects, stating that with the support of the Ministry, the work of the municipal administration was modernized, and the building of the “Lane” preschool was reconstructed and extended”. The first phase of the reconstruction of the school facility of the Education Center “Braća Nedić” was successfully completed and this year the Ministry finances the second phase of works on this facility, as well as the opening of a modern service center, a unique administrative point.
He pointed out that the ministry’s mission is to create optimal conditions for the uniform development of towns and municipalities, as well as to create a clear framework for the complete and integral development of the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia, explaining that the reform of public administration, which the ministry is implementing, is the cornerstone of the overall development of society, because , as he said, only a professional administration can take care of the welfare of all citizens and encourage healthy economic development.
Martinović also pointed out the fact that Serbia is currently in an extremely unfavourable and complex geopolitical environment characterized by international conflicts and tensions, saying that “the situation is such that the great powers do not hesitate to do anything to achieve their interests”.
He said that at a closed meeting in the United Nations the following day the draft resolution on Srebrenica will be presented, the adoption of which in May this year would be a huge injustice to the Serbian people, because this document will characterize Srebrenica as genocidal. The minister said that during its entire existence and history, the Serbian people fought against all evil and were on the right side of history, and that only in the 20th century, our people laid multi-million sacrifices on the altar of freedom, but that world powers do not care about justice and the truth.
He also added that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was voting today on the admission of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo to that institution, and that this event preceded the final decision of the Committee of Ministers in May. As he stated, the same dominant world actors are involved in the initiative for the urgent admission of the so-called Kosovo to the Council of Europe, an international organization, which, as he said, should be based on the concept of human rights and freedoms, democracy and the rule of law, i.e. “all the things that do not exist for the Serbian people in our southern province”. The minister pointed out that Europe remained completely blind and oblivious to the position of the Serbs in Kosovo, as it had done many times before.
In his speech, Minister Martinović emphasized that the great chance of the Republic of Serbia is that at this moment it has a true leader.
“It is not the first time that injustice has been done to us. We will fight. As always, we will come out of this fight even stronger. We are lucky that at this moment we have the best among us as the president, a man who knows how to lead proud, independent and economically strong Serbia, and who knows how to preserve its interests, because for him, as for all of us, the country of Serbia is the only homeland,” Martinović pointed out.
On the other hand, as the minister stated, there are those who are trying in every way to destabilize Serbia and its institutions by presenting various lies, including the claim that the voter list is incorrect. He said once again that “the voter list of the Republic of Serbia has reached the highest level of reliability and accuracy so far, and that it has never been more organized”, and that voter records are updated daily and constantly improved by applying modern technologies.
At the end of the speech, minister Martinović said that “the truth and Serbia will overcome all challenges”.
Photo gallery – source MDULS