“The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government had allocated more than RSD 30 million for various projects in Lebane during the previous four years, in order to raise the standard of living and make everyday life easier for citizens. It is also extremely important that Lebane will open a One-Stop-Shop during this year, because the existence of such a place shall significantly save citizens’ time and money and will greatly facilitate the completion of all administrative tasks they have with the administration,” the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, has said during today’s visit to this municipality, as part of marking the first 100 days of work of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
On this occasion, Martinović had visited the building of the municipal administration, whose energy rehabilitation was aided by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government for its budget funds, as well as by the Municipal Service Centre in Lebane. At the meeting with the President of the Municipal Assembly of Lebane, Boban Pejić, the potential joint activities in the future have been discussed, while the minister had pointed out that a new Public Call for the allocation of funds from the MDULS Budget Fund was recently announced and urged the municipal leadership to apply for funds with high-quality projects.
Recalling that MDULS had previously supported the reconstruction of the bus station in Lebane, the modernization and improvement of the work of the municipal administration through the introduction of eGovernment and modern information technologies, as well as the three-day Tomato Fest, Martinović has stressed that the Government of the Republic of Serbia shall work even harder, more diligently and efficiently in order to attract foreign investments, especially in the southern region of Serbia, so that youth would stay in their hometowns and build their life and family there.
“There can be no state without the people – the interest of citizens and their satisfaction are the main motivation and impetus for our work. That is why it is important for them to know that the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and all the members of the Government of the Republic of Serbia are ready to listen to each of them, to hear out the issues they are facing and find ways to help in solving them,” Martinović has emphasized, adding that the plan is to implement many more large infrastructure projects, investments in healthcare, education, science and digitization, which are some of the basic prerequisites for the successful functioning of Local Self-government Units.
Following the meeting with the President of the Municipal Assembly of Lebane, Boban Pejić, Minister Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, has attended the marking of the first 100 days of work of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, which was held at the “Radan” Community Centre in Lebane.
Photo gallery – source: MDULS