The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, has visited the Municipality of Sremski Karlovci today, and on that occasion announced the possibility that the Ministry would fund the rehabilitation of the playground in the yard of the “Kockica” kindergarten next year, as well as the establishment of a One-Stop-Shop in this municipality.
Martinović has pointed out that the “Kockica” kindergarten, which is attended by more than 300 children, was relocated to a relatively new and furnished facility, but that its playground should be rehabilitated, which is one of the municipal priorities in the coming period.
Also, as stated by minister Martinović, the launch of OSS would be a good strategic step in the further modernization of Sremski Karlovci, because the existence of a OSS system facilitates the work of municipal authorities, and results in significant time and money savings to the citizens.
Speaking about the fact that the local leadership had already informed him about the plans, among which is the plan to re-open a student dormitory at the renowned Karlovci Gymnasium, Martinović has assessed this initiative as expedient and positive.
“In addition to students from Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad and surrounding towns, the Karlovci Gymnasium is also attended by students from other distant parts of Serbia, as well as from the Republic of Srpska, Montenegro and the Republic of Croatia. For this reason, the opening of a student dormitory would be extremely significant. I shall also inform other ministers about this idea, so that we may implement it with joint effort and commitment,” Martinović has said.
Recalling that the State and AP Vojvodina have already invested large amounts of money in the development of Sremski Karlovci, the minister added that they will not stop there, because this municipality deserves special attention due to its glorious history, enormous spiritual and cultural heritage, but also significant tourist potential.
During his visit to Sremski Karlovci, the minister held a meeting with the Head of the South Banat Administrative District, Milan Novaković, the President of the Municipality of Sremski Karlovci, Aleksandar Stojkečić, and his associates, and he also visited the “Bajilo” winery.
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