The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government and the President of the Coordination Commission for Inspection Supervision, Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, and the President of the Citizens’ Association “Network of Inspectors of Serbia” (NIS) Dragoman Paunović, have signed today the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Inspection Supervision.
Martinović has pointed out that the signing of the Agreement represents the most significant step in strengthening mutual cooperation, as it implies an even more intensified involvement of NIS in the work of the Coordination Commission and all its Working Groups, with the aim of achieving the common goal of improving the status and work of inspectors and inspection services in the Republic of Serbia. He has added that, on that path, it is primarily important for the public to be made aware of the fact that inspectors are not someone who punishes, but that they are benevolent partners in building a fair environment in the country.
“In this way, we shall raise the inspection supervision to a higher level, bearing in mind that this is a very important task for the state, primarily when it comes to suppressing the grey economy. Inspectors reveal violations of laws and regulations, while their work is really difficult and responsible. While working in the field, they encounter numerous inconveniences, and that is why it is important to promote their preventive and advisory role, so that citizens and business entities can achieve legality. To this end, we shall dedicate our efforts both at the level of the Coordination Commission and throughout the further reform of the inspection system,” Martinović has emphasized. As he has pointed out, the dignity of the inspection services was restored in the previous few years, while the restrictive measure limiting the number of independent advisers to the national inspectors was abolished.
According to the President of NIS, Dragoman Paunović, in order to have quality inspection supervision, it is necessary to fulfil certain preconditions regarding the capacity of inspectorates in Serbia and the financial status of the inspectors.
“Despite all the plans and open vacancies for employment of inspectors, we failed to reach the minimum number of inspectors which was envisaged by the analysis conducted in 2019. The reason for this is, first of all, a large outflow of inspectors due to the age structure, but also due to poor financial conditions. I am convinced that with our future joint work, we will manage to solve at least some of the pressing issues, with the aim of establishing the inspection system that the Republic of Serbia and its citizens need,” Paunović has said.
The Agreement will expedite the exchange of information, improve the interlinking of inspections, as well as the implementation of joint projects that contribute to strengthening the effectiveness of inspection supervision in all areas. Also, cooperation with other state bodies, international institutions and organizations, both private and non-governmental, as well as with the economic sector, is also envisaged. The Agreement, among other things, also envisages the adoption of the annual Work Plan, which shall specify the activities for the current year.
Following the signing of the Agreement, minister Martinović had attended a meeting with the President of NIS Paunović and his associates.
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