The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government was forced to react to the lies published on 18 January 2024 in the daily newspaper “Nova”, citing that a citizen named Budimir Rikanović was registered at multiple addresses under the Single Electoral Roll.
The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government vehemently denies the allegations that the name of citizen Budimir Rikanović was found at a polling station in Belgrade for local elections in 2023, and at addresses in Zvornik and Lopare for parliamentary elections. We hereby inform the public that Budimir Rikanović was first entered under the Single Electoral Roll after registering his residence on 3 February 2022 in Voždovac, where he voted in the parliamentary and local elections held in 2023, and that his address in the Single Electoral Roll has not been changed since then.
We would also like to stress that Rikanović had voted in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the parliamentary elections held in 2022, according to the chosen polling place abroad.
The Ministry stresses once again that all the changes made in the Single Electoral Roll are based on legal and legally relevant facts, and that this is another attempt by the opposition to create confusion and uncertainty among the citizens regarding the Single Electoral Roll and to grasp power in Serbia by force, regardless of the freely expressed will of the people in the elections held on 17 December.
On this occasion, we would like to note that the elections held on 17 December 2023 were absolutely democratic, regular and legitimate.