The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Aleksandar Martinović, visited the “Dr. Miroslav Zotović” Rehabilitation Clinic in Belgrade today, and on that occasion, Željko Kanjuha, Acting Director of this institution and Zoran Aleksić, director of the elementary school “Dr Dragan Hercog”, attended by children who are being treated at the children’s department of the Clinic in Sokobanjska, were presented a modest financial donation. Also, as a sign of support for the work of these institutions, the minister donated ten laptops, while he delighted the children with sweets.
“We provided a really small donation, with which we wanted to show in a modest way that the interests of children come first, and that in accordance with this priority, the government also takes care of the youngest, and gives special attention to those children who are facing serious health problems. Despite this, these little fighters and their parents did not stop their education, nor were they excluded from the education and teaching system. For that, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the teachers of “Dr. Dragan Hercog” Elementary School, who made this possible for these children. We also owe a great deal of gratitude to the doctors of the Rehabilitation Clinic who take care of the children during hospital treatment,” said Martinović.
The minister especially thanked for the well-designed and executed performance that was part of the welcome, after which he wished all the children what is the most valuable, that is, quick recovery.
In the children’s department of the “Dr. Miroslav Zotović” Rehabilitation Clinic, children receiving hospital treatment also attend school classes every day. They are students of “Dr. Dragan Hercog” primary school, the only school in the country that organizes classes in hospital rooms and students’ homes.
Photo gallery – author Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government