In order to protect the population from infectious diseases, the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Aleksandar Martinović signed contracts today with the representatives of suppliers of services and goods on the provision of services and the procurement of preparations for the implementation of the Program for the control of mosquito larvae in the territory of the Republic of Serbia – Central Serbia for 2024.
Minister Martinović pointed out that the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government has been implementing activities on the implementation of the aforementioned Program since 2019, in cooperation with administrative districts and local self-government units. He pointed out that the implementation of the Program so far has yielded results and led to a reduction in the incidence of West Nile fever among the citizens of the Republic of Serbia, which is why these activities will be continued in 2024.
The program for the control of mosquitoes in the territory of the Republic of Serbia – Central Serbia is a unique program that combines the activities of monitoring, suppression and control of mosquito habitats as potential biological vectors of West Nile fever and other infectious diseases, in the area of 17 districts: Borski, Braničevski, Zaječarski, Zlatiborski, Jablanički, Kolubarski, Mačvanski, Moravicki, Nišavski, Pirotski, Podunavski, Pomoravski, Pčinjski, Rasinski, Raški, Toplički and Šumadijski districts, with all the associated towns and municipalities, of which there are 99 in total.
The program, based on the conducted study, was created by the Team for the unique implementation of mosquito control activities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which was formed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia in 2018, with the aim of protecting the population from infectious diseases, and the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government was designated as the holder of the activities on the implementation of the Program.
Bearing in mind that weather conditions such as air temperature, rainfall and floods significantly affect the beginning of the development of mosquito larvae, the Ministry, in order to realize the activities foreseen in the Program for 2024, carried out procurement procedures for services and goods, which include the procurement of preparations for the implementation of the Program, applications of preparations for the treatment of mosquito larvae in the implementation of the Program, as well as expert supervision and control and monitoring of the expert body for the implementation of the Program.
Photo gallery – source Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government