MPALSG most open institution of the executive in the region

The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government is the most open institution of the executive in the region – this is a result of monitoring of the network of non-governmental organizations ActionSEE of the openness of institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. MPALSG fulfills 82.22% of the institution openness criteria established by this Network, and the only better result was achieved by the Parliament of Montenegro. “This very significant result was achieved through the efforts of all MPALSG employees and we are proud of it, and as the line ministry for changing the work of the administration, it is important to be an example to all other public services in Serbia,” Minister Branko Ružić assessed the findings of the Network ActionSEE. He added that it is especially important that such an assessment has come from the civil sector, with which the ministry is trying to achieve the best possible communication and cooperation in day-to-day work. “This is a confirmation that our Ministry is focused on the citizens and their needs,” said Ružić, adding that this is the best indicator of hard work to ensure administration in line with European standards for our citizens. “Our goal is transparent, efficient and service-oriented administration which involves citizens in decision-making and policy-making processes”, concluded the Minister. The monitoring of the openness of institutions in these four countries is done by the CRTA from Serbia, Center for Democratic Transition from Montenegro, Metamorphosis from Macedonia and “Why not?” from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The openness index of regional institutions can be found at:

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