“The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government regularly visits citizens and towns and municipalities in Serbia to check how budget funds are spent which are allocated to local self-government units based on various projects, and primarily so that we could all together invest additional efforts and improve citizens’ everyday life”, said Minister Marija Obradović today during working visit to the Municipality of Veliko Gradište.
She first visited space where an administrative spot, the future one-stop shop of Veliko Gradište, will be located, a place where citizens will be able to receive high-quality services from their municipal administration, fast and in a modern manner, saving time and money.
“Today we are on the location of the future OSS; technical preconditions were ensured and now we have to provide software which will include various databases, so that citizens could complete whatever business they may have at a single point. We are here to ensure that the municipal administration becomes ADMINISTRATION TAILORED TO ALL OF US, tailored to citizens and businesses, which is the objective of the public administration reform”, said Ms Obradović.
She said that MPALSG in the previous period allocated significant funds to the Municipality of Veliko Gradište, which were spent for projects such as construction of the Majur sewerage for which 9 million dinars were allocated in 2018, and construction of a sports hall on Srebrno jezero, when 18 million dinars were allocated from the budget fund for 2019. She also noted that 4.5 million dinars were allocated for preventative actions on reducing the risk of climate change and that more than 111 million dinars were invested in public lighting of the municipality and neighbouring settlements. On this occasion Ms Obradović emphasized that MPALSG also allocated half a million dinars to Veliko Gradište for the Address Register project, to ensure every hamlet and street in Serbia have their names in the 21st century.
“This year Veliko Gradište received an award of 2.3 million dinars for transparency and public participation in the work of local self-government and I sincerely hope the municipal administration will decide together with its citizens how these funds can be best spent. It is important for citizens of Veliko Gradište to see that their municipality is progressing, that the municipal administration recognizes and understands their needs and also that it spends budget funds appropriately”, said Ms Obradović.
The minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government also visited the conference hall of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište, for the reconstruction of which MPALSG also allocated funds, and talked to the municipality management.
Later during her visit to Veliko Gradište, Minister Obradović will attend a ceremony to commend the Municipality Day, where she will be awarded the Charter and the award for contribution to development and affirmation of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište, on which occasion the newly built sports hall on Srebrno jezero will be opened.
Photo gallery: source MDULS and Tanjug