Continuing the good cooperation between the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government of Republika Srpska (MULS) and MDULS, a delegation from Republika Srpska is on a two-day study visit to Belgrade, with the aim of exchanging experience and good practice in the field of professional development of public administration employees.
This visit is the result of the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Memorandum between MULS and MDULS for the period 2021/2022, and provides for introducing the system of professional development of public administration employees in our country to the representatives of MULS, the Public Administration Agency and the Association of Municipalities and Cities of the Republika Srpska (SOGRS), especially to registrars, as well as with professional training programmes offered to public administration employees by the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA).
The colleagues from Republika Srpska had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the Sector for Professional Development at MDULS, which was presented to them by Assistant Minister Jasmina Bemansur, after which they will have the opportunity to get better acquainted with specific programmes and trainings of NAPA.
So far, according to the Action Plan, several online workshops have been organized with the aim of presenting the normative and institutional framework of the new system of professional development in public administration of the Republic of Serbia, presenting the process of identification, planning, preparation, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of projects financed from EU funds and international development assistance, as well as professionalization and depoliticization of the administration.
In the forthcoming period, a study visit of colleagues from the Republic of Srpska to the Administrative Inspectorate is planned, within which the improvement of the field of professional exams within the scope of MDULS will be discussed, with emphasis on the exam for inspectors and the exam for municipal police officer.