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Ruzic and Roaf on public sector reform

Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government, Branko Ruzic has said in a conversation with the Head of International Monetary Fund Mission, James Roaf that the public sector system is changing from the ground up, as the goal is to make it efficient, economical and manageable.

The Minister has reminded that public service positions are catalogued. “About 2,000 tasks and several thousand different positions in public services have been reduced to around 870 through the catalogue. All public services will have to coordinate their internal organization and work with the Catalog, and there will be no more abuse and inventing jobs just for the purpose employment “.

Ruzic said that the Ministry prepared a set of draft acts governing labor relations and appraisal and salaries system in public services, autonomous provinces and local governments, and they will soon be forwarded to MPs as planned.

The Minister believes that such a system is equitable because it allows for equitable appraisal and reward of all public service employees for their efforts and results, which will have a positively impact on their motivation and quality of services.

When it comes to the maximum number of employees in state and local administrations, according to the latest data, there are about 6,700 less employees than the maximum number.

Speaking about the plans, the Minister said that laws and secondary legislation, governing the salaries of employees in other parts of the public administration system, are being prepared simultaneously. “Our goal is to pass them by the end of the year and thus round up and organize the entire system.”