The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Marija Obradović, has talked today with the Head of the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Krupanj, Milorad Simić, about improving the quality of work of this Local Self-government Unit.
At the working meeting, they have talked about future cooperation, especially in the part related to infrastructure projects, but also the establishment of the one-stop shop in the Municipality of Krupanj.
Minister Obradović has invited the head of the municipal administration, Mr. Simić, for this LSU to prepare the tender documentation well and apply with quality projects to the new competition for the allocation of funds from the Budget Fund, which shall be announced by MDULS in January next year.
She has also urged for the electronic database of the Municipality of Krupanj to be improved by January, so that the municipality could apply for funds for the establishment of the one-stop shop, so that the residents of this LSU could complete all work with their local administration in one place.
Obradović and Simić have discussed multiple benefits that the Municipality of Krupanj will have from the implementation of the Programme for the Reform of the Local Self-Government System in Serbia, which has been adopted this year and which shall enable professionalization and modernization of all aspects of functioning of LSUs in our country, as well as the strengthening of transparency and increasing participation of citizens in public affairs.