The conference on the occasion of completion of the Twinning Light Project “Support to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government in modernizing the personnel planning procedure for Public Administration and harmonizing the Catalogue of titles in Public Administration and Local Self-Government Units” has been held on 23 November at the Palace of Serbia.
Assistant Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government for EU Integration and International Cooperation, Sanja Putnik, has stated that the project had enabled the exchange of experiences of EU Member States which have a developed personnel planning system linked to the financial plan, have developed procedures for adopting and amending the personnel plan with the appropriate IT system, and which have already established a Catalogue of jobs in Public Administration. Pointing out that this is the first Twinning project implemented by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Putnik has said that the experiences gained during its implementation are of great importance for further work.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of Serbia, Kimmo Lähdevirta, has emphasized that a successful public administration requires people dedicated to the realization of the goals set by their government. He added that people in Finland have a high level of trust in public administration, and has emphasized that Finland is ready to continue providing support to Serbia and its public sector, whereby the EU funds and instruments, such as this project, are of key importance.
Martin Klaucke, Head of Sector II Operations at the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, Danilo Rončević, Director of the Human Resources Management Service, and Marko Tomašević, Deputy Secretary General for the Representation of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, have also expressed their satisfaction with the implemented project.
As the project leader for the beneficiary state, the Assistant Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government for Human Resource Management, Ivana Savićević, has participated in the working part of the meeting, at which she stated that the recommendations obtained within the framework of comparative analyses will be very significant during further improvement in these areas.
The project contained two components – presentation of best practice in the field of personnel planning and exchange of experiences related to the catalogue of jobs, with the aim of sharing the EU’s good practice with beneficiary public administrations and encouraging long-term relations between the administrations of existing and future EU countries. In this regard, the comparative analyses were made for both components, with recommendations which were presented to a certain number of representatives of the national and local authorities during the implementation of the project, with the aim of creating a basis for further improvements in these areas.
The project was financed by the European Union from IPA 2018 funds, while the main beneficiary was the Sector for Human Resource Management of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. The partners in the project were the Human Resources Management Service and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities. The project was implemented with the support of the Finnish Institute of Public Management, and in cooperation with the Department for Contracting and Financing of European Union Funded Programmes of the Ministry of Finance, which is the contracting authority for this project.
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