Citizen’s guide to local self-governments’ budget decision for 2018

In accordance with the Instruction for preparing Local self-government’s budget decision of the Ministry of Finance, under the implementation of Exchange 5 Programme, funded by the European Union, and implemented by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities developed a model of Citizen’s Guide to Local Self-government’s budget decision for 2018 and accompanying supporting documents. Citizen’s Guide to the Budget Decision is a document which in a clear and easy-to-understand way explains for what purposes public budget funds are used and aims to inform citizens, to get them interested to participate in budget planning, allocation and to monitor how these funds are spent. The Model Guide is just an example of structure of showing the most important budget information of interest to citizens and as such is subject to change and adaptation in line with needs of a particular town/municipality. Namely, it was noted that a relatively small number of local self-governments develops and publishes the so-called Citizen’s budgets. On the other hand, good practice and principles of budget transparency and openness   entails that citizen’s guides to budget decisions should be developed by all local self-governments. We invite all local self-governments which have not already done so, to develop a Citizen’s Guide to the 2018 budget decision using the proposed model. We hope that in the upcoming period we will jointly achieve that all LSGs prepare this type of document.


Town – Citizen’s Guide to the Budget Decision

Municipality – Citizen’s Guide to the Budget Decision

Municipality – Citizen’s Guide to the Budget Decision

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