The Sector for Good Governance is responsible for preparing strategic documents, laws, other regulations, and general acts in the following areas:
The Sector for Good Governance continuously monitors EU regulations and proposes the harmonization of domestic regulations in its scope with EU standards.
The Sector also prepares opinions on draft laws, regulations, and other general acts submitted to the Ministry for review or approval by other proposers.
Additionally, the Sector performs normative tasks related to the official seals of state and other bodies, as well as oversight of the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative districts’ professional services.
It is also responsible for managing public administration reform by collecting and analyzing data necessary for tracking the achievement of goals set in planning documents.
The Sector implements the Open Government Partnership initiative by collaborating with public administration bodies, organizations, institutions, and civil society organizations.
Notably, the Sector carries out professional and administrative-technical tasks in support of the Coordinating Commission for Inspection Oversight, including the development of e-Government solutions in the field of inspection oversight.