The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government calls on all citizens to check beforehand whether they are registered under the Single Electoral Roll (SER) and, if so, whether their personal data are correct, in order to be able to exercise the right to vote in the announced referendum at the national level which will be held on 16 January 2022.
Every citizen has the right to insight into the Single Electoral Roll in order to verify the personal data entered in it, whereby the said insight can be performed directly, at the municipal or city administration in which the citizen has domicile or where an internally displaced person resides, as well as electronically via the official website of the Ministry – https://upit.birackispisak.gov.rs/
The Single Electoral Roll is a public document, under which the unified records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia who have the right to vote are kept. It is managed through modern technologies, as an electronic database which is updated daily according to a unique methodology.
The SER is kept by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, while the updating of the Single Electoral Roll for the area of the Local Self-government Unit is performed by the municipal or city administration. The updating of the part of the Single Electoral Roll for the area of the Local Self-government Unit by the municipal or city administration includes: registration, deletion, changes, additions or corrections, ex officio or at the request of citizens, on which an appropriate decision is made.
Registration in the Single Electoral Roll is a condition for exercising the right to vote, while a voter can be registered in the Single Electoral Roll only once.
Adult and able-bodied citizens of the Republic of Serbia, i.e. the persons who have the right to vote – are entered into the Single Electoral Roll according to the place of their domicile or place of residence in case of internally displaced persons.
The procedure of registration, change (amendments, supplements or correction) and deletion from the Single Electoral Roll is carried out ex officio or at the request of citizens. A citizen submits a request for amendment of his information entered into the Single Electoral Roll to the municipal or city administration at the place of his/her domicile, i.e. at the place of residence in case of internally displaced persons.
Any change to the Single Electoral Roll must be based on the data from registers, other official records and public documents (e.g. birth, marriage or death certificates, identity card, proof of residence, certificate of citizenship, final and binding decision on restitution) on which the appropriate decision is made by the municipal or city administration until the conclusion of the Single Electoral Roll (15 days before election day, i.e. 31 December 2021), while the Ministry reaches a decision from the conclusion of the Single Electoral Roll up to 72 hours before election day.
The applicant may file an appeal against the decision of the municipal or city administration to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government within 24 hours from the day he/she was served the decision, while a lawsuit against the decision of the Ministry may be filed with the Administrative Court within 24 hours from the day the decision was served.