The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, has announced today, during his visit to the kindergarten “Poletarac” in Ljubovija, the possibility that MDULS would allocate budget funds for the third stage of rehabilitation of this educational institution in the next year, which would entail the construction of four more rooms for children accommodation. According to the minister, by expanding the accommodation capacities, the conditions for the enrolment of around hundred more children in kindergarten would be ensured, which would solve the problem of unenroled children in Ljubovija.
Referring to the recently held joint session of the Governments of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, Martinović has stated that he discussed with the President of the Municipality of Ljubovija, Milan Jovanović, and the Head of the Mačva Administrative District, Željko Marjanović, about the possibilities for establishing cooperation between municipalities from this part of Serbia and neighbouring municipalities from the other side of Drina river, as part of the already existing cooperation between the MDULS and the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Srpska. At the meeting, it was also discussed that the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the local self-government should jointly find a large investor, who would employ some 50 to 100 people in Ljubovija, primarily women.
Martinović has emphasized that the Republic of Serbia has invested, and will continue to invest, significant funds in the development of Ljubovija, and pointed out that this relatively small, but very beautiful municipality on the Drina river has started to utilize its tourist potential, and that the time is coming when the citizens of Serbia, as well as of the entire region, would get to know all the beauties of Ljubovija and this region.
The minister has also visited the Cultural Center, in whose rehabilitation, to the joy of all the local residents, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government had invested RSD 13 million, as well as the Assembly Hall, where the implementation of the eParliament project is underway, within the framework of which MDULS had allocated funds for procurement of equipment for the introduction of an electronic system for holding sessions and voting. The minister had also visited a small private company “Elmag”, which is engaged in the production of dried fruit, as well as the Račić’s church on Mount Bobija.
During today’s visit to Ljubovija, minister Martinović had donated laptops to the municipal administration in order to encourage the development and functioning of e-administration.
Photo gallery – source: Municipality of Ljubovija