The Sector for Human and Minority Rights and Freedoms

ivana antic pomocnica ministra

Ivana Antić

Assistant Minister

The Sector for Human and Minority Rights and Freedoms performs duties aimed at ensuring and improving conditions for the exercise of human and minority rights.


It maintains the Register of National Councils and the Special Electoral Roll, participates in the conduct of elections for national councils and national minorities and oversees the legality of operations and bylaws of national councils of national minorities.


The Sector prepares and monitors the application of regulations governing the Protector of Citizens and freedom of information and political and other association (other than trade unions), maintains the Register of Political Parties and is in charge of the second-instance administrative procedure in the field of association.


The Sector monitors compliance with the obligations of the Ministry regarding human and minority rights and reports on the state of human and minority rights in the EU accession process.


It takes part in the drafting of the Decentralisation Strategy of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the European standards and experiences of developed European countries and in accordance with the need to continue Serbia’s democratisation through decentralization.

6 Birčaninova st. 11000 Belgrade


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