On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Marija Obradović, sent congratulations to His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porphyry, the clergy and monks of the Serbian Orthodox Church, all Orthodox churches, and all believers who celebrate the resurrection of Christ on Sunday.
“On the eve of the greatest Christian holiday, I extend my warmest congratulations to all believers. The joyous feast of Christ’s resurrection, as a symbol of a new beginning, calls for harmony, togetherness and love among people.
This year, we are celebrating Easter in specific circumstances, but with new optimism and hope that we will overcome these difficult and challenging times together. May your faith in Christ be a signpost and inspiration for a better future, and this day a reminder of the grace of forgiveness, mutual understanding, and support.
I wish you to celebrate the holiday with your beloved ones, in peace and tranquility, good health, love and joy, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and respecting our tradition.
Happy Easter!”