The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Aleksandar Martinović, PhD, together with the President of the Parliamentary Group VMSZ and President of MA Subotica, Bálint Pásztor, the President of the Municipality of Kanjiža, Róbert Fejsztámer, and the Head of the North Banat Administrative District, Miroslav Dučić, has visited tady the newly-paved Ferenc Fehér Street and the modernized municipal service centre in Kanjiža. These are projects whose implementation was supported by MDULS in this year with funds from the budget in the total amount of RSD 6.5 million.

MDULS had invested RSD 5 million in the fresh paving of  Ferenc Fehér Street, as well as RSD 1.5 million in the rehabilitation of the municipal service centre, procurement of modern equipment, computers, monitors, photocopiers and scanners. By paving of the said street, traffic safety was increased and access road to the work and residential zone “Block-8” in Kanjiža was laid out. Also, this road contributes to the development of business infrastructure in this part of the municipality, and recently a driving training course was built here, as the first training course of its kind in Kanjiža.

“By paving the extension of Ferenc Fehér Street, a significant step has been taken from the aspect of economic development of the local self-government, because the road in question connects this area with the industrial zone. The president of this municipality informed me that investors interested in investing in projects of importance for local economic development have already contacted him. Moreover, other benefits for citizens are also visible. If we hadn’t completed this street through joint work, citizens who want to get a driver’s license would have had to go to Subotica or Senta for their driver training, because only there would the driving school have the conditions to carry out practical training for candidates to drive on the driving training course,” Martinović has said. He added that the implemented projects are proof that the Serbs and Hungarians, with joined forces, can achieve many goals which serve the common interest.

Minister Martinović has announced the possibility that MDULS, in the next cycle, will allocate funds from the Budget Fund for the completion of the rehabilitation of the Town Hall, the symbol of the Municipality of Kanjiža and a protected cultural monument, where the administration is located and where it operates. He invited the municipal leadership to apply for funds within the next Public Call of MDULS at the beginning of next year, so that, by doing so, the roof structure can be repaired along with the finishing of rehabilitation of the monumental building, which is more than 120 years old.

Also, during today’s visit, minister Martinović handed over 20 laptops to encourage the development and functioning of the electronic administration and the municipal service centre, and he also visited the production facility of the company “Tisamed” d.o.o., which has been successfully producing and marketing various types of honey on the domestic and foreign market for years.


Photo gallery – source: MDULS and Municipality of Kanjiža

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