The president of the Municipality of Ljig, Dragan Lazarević, and the president of the Municipality of Lajkovac, Andrija Živković, have visited the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government today, where they talked with Minister Marija Obradović about future cooperation and improvement of municipal administrations.
Pointing out that the Ministry had recently published a Public call for allocation of funds from the Budget Fund for the Local Self-government Programme, Minister Obradović has invited her interlocutors to prepare documentation for the competition well and apply for budget funds with quality projects.
The capacities of these municipalities for the establishment of the One-Stop-Shop have also been discussed at the meeting, while Minister Obradović stressed that the experience in the field so far has shown that the citizens are extremely satisfied with the functionality of this mechanism. She has added that the introduction of modern technologies in the work of Local Self-government Units contributes to the simplification of administrative procedures and better provision of services to citizens and the economy.
Minister Obradović has praised the efforts that the Municipalities of Ljig and Lajkovac have invested in arranging the address register, stressing that the naming of unmarked streets and hamlets is of great importance, especially in smaller places.