“Covid 19 pandemics brought many challenges to all segments of society, and put all of us who hold positions in professional training to the test. However, in such an uncertain situation in the professional development of public administration employees, a step forward was made that no one could have predicted. We managed to adapt the whole process to remote learning and show that it has become a natural environment for public administration employees, where they cope well “, said Čedomir Rakić, State Secretary of the Ministry, at the opening of the hybrid conference” Professional development of employees during the pandemic – challenges and lessons learned ”.

He added that we learned and progressed a lot from the pandemic, bearing in mind that the process of digital transformation of the professional development system was accelerated, and the fact that officials accepted the new reality and used the opportunity to further improve knowledge and skills is especially important. He praised the efforts of the National Academy of Public Administration, which in a short time managed to adapt the entire process of conducting training to remote learning and to conduct over 200 training courses for over 10,000 participants in virtual classrooms.

“The Ministry has paid special attention to the reform of professional training in public administration in order to provide every employee, regardless of where he lives and works, with equal access to the right to professional training.” Thanks to everything that has been done, but also to the employees in the public administration, who easily accepted distance learning, The Republic of Serbia has become a leader in the region in the development of e-government “, concluded State Secretary Rakić.

Assistant Minister, Head of the Professional Development Sector Jasmina Benmansur spoke in the panel on professional development management, assessing that in the conditions of the pandemic an adequate response was found and all reform processes in professional development continued, also contributed by employees in state administration and local self-governments as end-users.

The hybrid conference “Professional development of officials during the pandemic – challenges and lessons learned”, which gathered over 300 participants, was organized by the National Academy of Public Administration with the support of the Council of Europe Program “Human Resources Management in Local Government – Phase 2”.

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