Ruzic: Concrete results in public administration reform, we are defining plan for the coming period

“Public administration reform is one of the basic elements of the structural reforms of the public sector that we are implementing in order to achieve long-term sustainability of public finances and a healthy economic environment. The ultimate goal is to create an efficient, service-oriented public administration in the service of citizens and their needs,” Minister Branko Ruzic said opening the workshop for the preparation of a new Action Plan Implementing the Public Administration Reform Strategy for the next two-year period 2018-2020.

Minister pointed out that the focus in the previous period was on the optimization of public administration and the modernization of public services, and that the establishment of exchange of official records, a one-stop-shop system, coordination of inspections, improvement of the work process and public policy management and stable public finances were only some of the results of the implementation of reforms in the last three years.

“It is important to see clearly where we are now in 2017, and to go even further in achieving the planned goals from the Strategy of Public Administration Reform on the basis of identified shortcomings,” Ruzic said.

By conducting the workshop, the Ministry started consultations and work on the preparation of the new Action Plan Implementing the Public Administration Reform Strategy for the next two-year period 2018-2020 with representatives of 12 non-governmental organizations selected through a public call, as well as with representatives of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities.

In addition to representatives of the non-governmental sector, representatives of all state administration authorities – ministries, special organizations and government services are involved in the preparation of the Action Plan.


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