
The conclusion of the round table on the causes of legal and illegal business organized by the US Agency for International Cooperation (USAID) under the Business Enabling Project is that the Act on Inspection Oversight has significantly improved inspectors’ work and the business environment. State Secretary,...

Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government Branko Ruzic has said that the National Academy for Public Administration will completely transform the public administration and provide more efficient, more courteous and better-educated officers. In the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, where a discussion on...

Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government, Branko Ruzic has said that he expects that the insufficient number of employees in the inspection services will be resolved next year and that the inspection service has been hit the most by rationalization, resulting in paradoxical situations...

Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government, Branko Ruzic has said today that efficient and helpful local self-government must be a standard, and that the Bill on the National Academy is a revolutionary thing for our citizens. At the meeting on human resources management, he stressed...

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