Restructuring and optimization of the public administration

PROJECT TITLE: Restructuring and optimization of the public administration

DONOR: European Union through IPA 2014 funds with the implementation support of the World Bank

VALUE OF THE PROJECT: 2.5 million EUR, out of which 540,000 EUR as a grant to MPALSG

BENEFICIARY: Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government

PARTNERS: Authorities and organisations of the public administration

PROJECT AIM: Support provided to the optimisation process in several public administration sub-systems as a complementary measure of the overall rationalization process, in accordance with priorities and measures established in the Public Administration Reform Strategy in the Republic of Serbia and its Action Plan. Within the project, the MPALSG budget was provided for the establishment of the Change Management Unit, as support in creating and implementing action plans based on the recommendations of the World Bank, which had been prepared on the basis of functional analyses of the World Bank.

EXECUTION PERIOD: July 2015 – June 2019


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